by Cheryle | Nov 7, 2021 | About Cheryle Bannon, Art reflections, Connection, Creativity, guidance, heart, Inspiration, Intuitive art, Process
This year has been a rollercoaster of new ideas but the one constant is my desire, to begin with, intention, and allow the playful beginning layers. I have been creating so many different things and they all navigate back to nature and connection. This is a layered...
by Cheryle | Jul 11, 2021 | About Cheryle Bannon, Art reflections, Creativity, feminine, Figurative, Goddess, guidance, intuition, Intuitive art
Curiosity invites Intuition This week I was packaging up a jewelry piece to send to Ireland and wanted to add a personalised card. I was playing with the format and found myself wondering – ‘what if I made this a black and white image…what if I used...
by Cheryle | Jun 27, 2021 | Art Inside-Out, Connection, Creativity, Flow Mandala, Goddess, guidance, heart, Inspiration, Intuitive art
Stepping into trust. Exploring images of the feminine within the creative process opens me to so many new ways of exploring our connected world. Art is an amazing teacher as I go deeper into the space of intention through art-life conversations as a way to step into...
by Cheryle | Jan 3, 2021 | About Cheryle Bannon, animal guides, Art Business, challenge, Connection, Creativity, Inspiration, owl
2021 DREAMING 2020 REFLECTIONS Finally, we arrive in 2021 with so many dreams still waiting. I’ve shifted into planning mode and rediscovered old loves and inspiration. I guess we are all dreaming of a healthier happier year for ourselves and our beautiful...
by Cheryle | Jul 19, 2019 | About Cheryle Bannon, Art reflections, Creativity, girl
Finding myself in the story I find myself in an unfamiliar space as I explore what story means through the eyes of an illustrator, I know that every art piece I create holds many stories but this is a new perspective. I am illustrating my first book that was written...
by Cheryle | May 23, 2019 | About Cheryle Bannon, animal guides, Art Business, Connection, Creativity, Girl and wolf, Wolf, woman
Wild Soul Creative Focus I was relistening to Clarissa Pinkola Estés. and her book ‘Women who Run with the Wolves and it felt like synchronicity. I have started sharing about creative intentions and hearing Clarissa discuss focus as part of the nature of stepping into...