Curiosity invWise Wild Soul Womenites Intuition

This week I was packaging up a jewelry piece to send to Ireland and wanted to add a personalised card. I was playing with the format and found myself wondering  – ‘what if I made this a black and white image…what if I used a more graphic image on the card. My curiosity and the fun of playing with this idea took me down the creative rabbit hole as I playfully followed this intuitive path.

I used the first image for the card for Alina. It felt perfect at the time as my intuition continued to inspire the next steps and playful connections.

I realised that this Wise Women Rising art pendant had changed into a graphic of the WILD SOUL in my Wild Soul Creativity art business brand. I had been focusing so much on the creativity part that I hadn’t visualised her as that part of the eternal feminine that is our Wild Soul. Below is the flow of idea play that began with one piece and became mulptiple imagings as I curiously stepped into the play of creative connections.

Wild Soul play

The Rabbit Hole – What if…

The thing that happened next was the what-ifs and the curiosity that opened me up to new ways of seeing the image. It always seems to start with a question so I thought id share a series of the questions that created the path that my intuition led me along. What if is my favorite opening but I love to mix it up with wonderings and curiosity

  • What if I make this black and white…what would that look like?
  • What if I cleaned up the background. So I went into photoshop
  • I wonder what it would look like if I added a third wavy line…my symbol for flow?
  • I’m curious about the idea of her holding a rainbow. I wonder where I could find that image?
  • What if I took my image into Canva and played with it there? They would have lots of rainbows!
  • I love the small rainbow but what if the rainbow became a rainbow doorway? I wonder…
  • I’m curious about the idea of adding color? At this point, I am switching between Canva and photoshop.
  • What other color combinations can I play with and does the image need more detail.
  • it doesn’t feel complete. I wonder what is missing?
  • The place of heart connection is central to my art…how could I add hearts?
  • I don’t want hearts in a straight line…what do I want?

wild soul rainbow play

A fork in the path – there is always another idea waiting

Listening and trusting intuition is the spiral path of learning and playing. If it feels right, go with it and see where the adventure leads you. I’ve learnt to be open listen to the inspiration. Yes, this is more graphic than normal but it fits who I am. It shows me something new and reminds me of all the ways I get to choose my direction.

  • what if I play with words and images
  • I’m playing with the images of words in my head and can’t get to sleep. How do wild soul and wise connect?
  • Wise is the main word and wild soul links beautifully so what if I added women to the end of wise?
  • What if the word women became the base to ground my wild soul image?
  • The words are hard to read in black and white. What if I added contrast? Where would I add it?
  • Wise is in capitals but I could make the letters a bit larger and make the word WISE a little darker.

wild soul women+

Honestly …I need to say thank you for the opportunity to share this intuitive process. The image stepped into a new space and surprised me again. I found new layers of filters and the purples came in. I did say this was a creative rabbit hole. I love the inspiration and all the possibilities. One beginning point can become so many things. The possibilities are endless. It’s all about staying curious and open to that inner wisdom that encourages you to explore and play in the unknown and see what magic occurs along the way.

Colour adds a whole new dimension as I explore the light and joy within this image. I find myself imagining a series of cards as one idea flows into the next. I wonder where your curious intuitive creative soul will guide you and what discoveries you will make along the way.

What is your ‘What if?’

What ideas are calling to you to explore new spaces and open you to the creative play. What questions are whispering new ideas into your world? Are you ready to play along and be curious as you wonder down your own rabbit hole of creative connections?

Be curious, smile, and enjoy this guided life and all the surprises along the way.

Love and blessings,


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