by Cheryle | Feb 28, 2018 | About Cheryle Bannon, Art Inside-Out, Create a story, Creativity, guidance, heart, Intuitive art, SoulCollage®, workshop
SoulCollage® Mentoring I don’t know if you have ever heard of SoulCollage® But several years ago I discovered this beautiful process in a mini workshop run by Karen Mann at the Seven Sisters Festival in Melbourne. I instantly fell in love with the ease and joy of this...
by Cheryle | Feb 8, 2018 | About Cheryle Bannon, Angels, Art, workshop
Growing my art world as I explore angel blessings and spiritual art connections through joyful mixed media art as a sacred practice
by Cheryle | Oct 6, 2017 | Art, Connection, Create a story, Creativity, fantasy, guidance, Intuitive art, Story, unicorns, workshop
Unicorns are magical reminders of our own unique story as we learn to trust.
by Cheryle | Oct 4, 2017 | Art Inside-Out, Art reflections, Create a story, intuition, Intuitive art, Mixed media, Story, workshop
A full heart My heart feels full when I go on art adventures and explore stories. Intuitive art takes me to so many unexpected places; finding lots of joyful surprises along the way. Sometimes the stories are hard or painful but they are there to teach us things we...
by Cheryle | Oct 4, 2017 | About Cheryle Bannon, Art Inside-Out, Mixed media, Mixed media acrylic collage, Story, workshop
So many stories We are all made of so many stories woven together to create a beautiful whole. Stories shape our world as the experiences and learning held within every moment. Big picture stories My own big picture story story is one of a ministers daughter who...
by Cheryle | Sep 29, 2017 | About Cheryle Bannon, Art Inside-Out, intuition, Intuitive art, Process, Story, workshop
Why Intuitive art? I create and teach mixed media art through an intuitive painting process so of course I called my upcoming course an ‘intuitive painting workshop.’ My daughter asked why I hadn’t called it a ‘mixed media painting workshop....