ANGEL BLESINGS: a beginning For a long time, I have layered Reiki energy into my art. I am a Usui and Isis Seichim Reiki trained practitioner and have used it to layer this beautiful energy into my art. I have developed a wide range of angel paintings and love...Angels, flowers and painting joy
Growing my art world as I explore angel blessings and spiritual art connections through joyful mixed media art as a sacred practice
Angel paintings inspiration
CHRISTMAS IS OVER: but the angels continue… It is the transition point between Christmas and New Year and everyone is celebrating theChristmas season. We are also saying goodbye to 2017 and I am still creating angels. For the Epiphany, I will continue to paint...PAINTINGS ANGEL BLESSINGS
Here I am near the end of my 12days of Christmas Angels personal challenge. I know that the 12 days are supposed to be after Christmas culminating in the baptism of Christ but I wanted to do it before. I love surrounding myself with angels in the lead up to Christmas...12 days Christmas angels
12 angel paintings as Christmas blessings to light your path.