What type of wolf are you?
Wolf guidance As I take this journey path to understanding my inner wolf and the wolf guides that have taught and protected me for decades, I am curious about the western perception of the wolf. We grow up with images of the wolf in Little Red Riding Hood, the Big BAd...Remember your inner Goddess
Big magic I have been reading this wonderful book by Elizabeth Gilbert, the author of Eat, Pray Love. It is a wonderful book about the magic of ideas and creativity and how these ideas manifest in our world. I loved this quote as it is so easy to fall into the trap...Creative soul musings
Creating my world… As I play and ponder about how I actually got to this point in my creative life. A place where I know I am an artist in the deepest truest parts of my being…art is my soul space.. How did I reach a place where I can create an image and...Art and business and sales…
soul fragments and marketing.