Welcome to Wild Soul Creativity:
Fill your world with bright stories
Calm connected art stories for your heart and home…
So glad you arrived at my online home:
Welcome to this space of connecting to this guided path as you step into bright uplifting visual stories. Heart storytelling through art connects us to the spirit of nature and wellbeing and brings a joyful reminder to step into the beauty of our world.
Through feminine imagery, flowers, angels and animal spirit guides, that are grounded in a love of nature, I explore spirituality through art. Art is making meaning of this world through the healing spaces of exploring joyful heart stories. This intuitive process of learning and growing, through the beauty of words and imagery, connecting to the divine in each of us and inviting more joy into our world.
Thank you for visiting my online home.
Love and blessings,
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Art inspiration
Art is an invitation to step into our own stories and find those connected spaces. Be inspired by mindful mixed media art, connect to your inner storyteller and nourish your soul.
Art is an intuitive process. I see an image that inspires me and ideas begin to bounce off each other as the image forms.
Cheryle Bannon
© Cheryle Bannon 2023. No works contained in this site may be reproduced without permission of the artist.
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Cheryle Bannon
Intuitive Artist