Take 2

Take 2

Evolving I thought she was done but the magic wasn’t quite there. I added a few more layers and the head piece which is part painted and part real. The mask has more detail and I added more warmth to her skin and played with the hair highlights. I also worked on...
The mask

The mask

I have been working on this piece for a while and she is finally complete or so I thought. I will add the final image tomorrow…decided to make anotherchange. I usually bring near completed and completed pieces into the house ( from the studio)  so I can see if I...
Through the layers

Through the layers

Layers Today has been about layers and allowing. Sometimes you need to loose the edges so everything else can fall into place. Once you let go of what was, you create the space between the layers that allows you to move forward. Neither piece is complete but both...
Through the layers

Into the Garden

Exploring the garden of possibilities.As I worked on this piece I began to add more pen lines. Drawing techniques became interwoven. This piece is for another exhibition. I have finished it and feel that it is one of my best pieces. Funny how you always feel that when...