A question of what is and what is becoming???

A question of what is and what is becoming???

I am continuing to work on several starting points and totally re-working one piece that was never quite there for me. My major challenge at the moment is knowing when to stop. I feel like I lose some of the freshness and looseness and  so need to be aware of what I...

Through the layers

Some days the act of painting is a push and pull where you feel like you are carving through in order to draw out something not yet definable. Today was one of those days as I worked on 2 small canvases. This is where I left them and will hopefully complete them...
New pages

New pages

I am slowly building my pages. I have added a contact page. I am starting the learning section which will link into skills and techniques. It has the DreamWorks student work examples that link to the review I wrote that will be in the next edition of Practically...
Exploring ways forward…the art journey.

Exploring ways forward…the art journey.

The art journey. Today Plan to work on some A3 works on paper. I am enjoying working small right now. When there is a lot going on I need a smaller piece to focus on. When everything is flowing and easy I then can feel more expansive and opt for larger pieces. Art is...
Dance play

Dance play

        I am just playing with another present idea. My friend loves dancing so these pre-made  dance scrabble -look small canvases were perfect. Of course I had too explore the possibilities. Plain is boring. So stencils and my favourite walnut...