The muse…day 3

The muse…day 3

Feeling complete Today is my Saturday in my art space and it is such a joy.i get this lovely block of focused time. I finished my painting and the delightful thing is that as I look at her I know the dress is wool crepe and the shawl is a soft velvet. I love the way...
Art evolving…

Art evolving…

So often I watch these videos of amazing artists at work and I wonder, how do they seemingly manage to complete an art work in one sitting. That’s what it looks like and it is impressive…just a little jealous. Every work I do seems to need breathing space...

Faces, transfers and collage play.

Today was a play date. No exhibitions to plan for and no pressures to complete and so I experimented and explored different ideas and ways of shaping my artworks. I do love the potential of the transfers and will definitely do more of these. There is still a lot of...