by Cheryle | Aug 8, 2016 | Art, Process
Day 2: focusing on the face. It has been a busy day at work and time to go home and play in the studio. I really wanted to work on the face as I had an idea. Evening sessions are always shorter sessions but it is amazing how much you can achieve in these small...
by Cheryle | Nov 10, 2015 | Art, figurative, Mixed media
Added the final touches to a few of my small dance paintings. Having fun. The exhibition is just around the corner now. Share and Enjoy...
by Cheryle | Sep 27, 2015 | Art, Flowers, Mixed media, Play |
Let go and play This is the place where I let you into my thought process as I look for possibilities. I am getting too bogged down on my figures so I need to loosen up a bit. I love the figures but playing in a different way helps me bring in new elements to my...
by Cheryle | Sep 22, 2015 | Art, canvas painting, feminine, figurative, Mixed media, Process
I know I am a bit inconsistent at posting at the moment. I am in the middle of lots of changes and feel as though I’ve made a jump in understanding which is great but…it means that if I want to exhibit a piece I did earlier, I have to bring it up to speed...
by Cheryle | Jun 17, 2015 | Art, figurative
Acceptance and letting go. We all need a little guidance sometimes….as we expand our wings and venture into the unknown. Learning to fly’Learning to fly’ by Cheryle Bannon© Share and Enjoy...