As I create in my studio I know that my enthusiastic starts will evolve over the next weeks and into months. This is the exciting beginning of the creative process as ideas fall into place and images emerge as I follow intuitions lead. I will inevitably have many initial finishing points which turn into new beginnings as the images are reshape and become new understandings through this creative journey.
Images through the layers
The girl and wolf series is well underway as I completed the first 3 of the A3 sized pieces. I had posted one of these as finished previously but a work is never truly finished until it has left my studio. As I live with a work I will get a sense of something that is not quite right …something that I do not love. Then I am called to change it. In this case I was not happy with the level of foreground and background contrast. I added a transparent layer of white in areas in the foreground and she worked better. Then the next change called as I refined the flower shapes and colours. This journey through the layers of paint that reveals the image is playful and intuitive. My job is to listen. At this point, I believe these three pieces are complete but as I work on other pieces in the series, I am sure to come across other learnings and respond to whatever is needed in the moment. This is the start of a much larger body of work as I enjoy the process of exploring layers, transparencies, stencils, collage and contrast. This series is quite different for me but I do like the symbolism, the simplified girl, the wildness of the wolf and the possibilities of opposites and connections.
I’ve learned a lot from your layering process! It creates a richness and depth that intrigues me. Beautiful work.