Well life has its ups and downs and I do apologise for the long gap in posting. I have managed to pull some muscles in my back and do a bit of damage so my back has gone into siege mode. The result being lots of drugs to make the pain go away which make my head fuzzy and tired. I have the week off to help my back settle down and am supposed to relax so that means I have to stop all the walking I was doing and limit my activity. I am slowly improving now but backs are tricky. I am not up to being in my studio or teaching but have played with some drawing practice in my art journal…fiddling and completing face drawings is a fun way to fill in time when you are not allowed to do much else. The profile and larger face were developed from photograph prompts in my A4 journal which was a lovely art departmenWoman and flowerst Xmas gift that I am enjoying.Face study



We are surrounded by stars…reach out and catch yours.















‘Catch Me’ was drawn in my A5 art journal and is an imagination. I carry my A5 journal with me everywhere and use it to create imaginative pieces that start as scribbles in order to spark my imagination…like looking for images in clouds. I keep returning to these images over time and allow them to evolve naturally. I just work on whatever image calls to me on the day. We we all need distractions to help us balance. My distractions help me let go of the stress when things go wrong and allow me to focus on a positive space as I practice and develop my drawing skills in a simple small format that I can do anywhere.

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