January Word Musings and February LoveFebruary Something I love

January came and went and here we are stepping into February. I found the focus on my word helped guide my desire to revisit my inner stories and where my intuitive heart journey is taking me.

One of the best things I did in 2020 was to start writing morning pages every day which was a lovely way to connect and find my balance and grounding when the world was out of balance.


I have journaled regularly for many years but never so consistently. It is one of the ways I incorporate gratitude into my morning and explore what I want to manifest during the day. Having practices like this is really key to being able to show up and do all the things I love. I’m a sensitive, emotionally guided artist who spends most of my time in the studio and know that having things that balance my world is key to being able to do the art that I love and enjoy the beauty of nature and the world around me. Journaling helps me get the words out of my head and onto the page so I can let the conversation grow from there. What practices help you find your own sense of connection and spaces that help you be in joy and love more often?

Space For my Heart to Shine

This challenge idea is new for me and I’m loving the invitation to play each month as another story evolves. My January story was about exploring what had shifted for me in 2020 and how this was impacting my world in 2021.

14 – Heart Play Dates: What do you Love?

IH symbol play

Intuitive Heart connections

  1. go for a walk in nature
  2. sit under a tree and meditate
  3. read an inspiring book
  4. playfully doodle a page full of hearts  in your journal
  5. make a list of 5 things you love to do and do them this week
  6. make art that lights you up
  7. watch a movie with someone you love
  8. Make a Valentines Day card for that BIG love in your life
  9. go on a play date with someone you love spending time with
  10. Claim a self-care day pamper you
  11. Create a journal page and let your ideas flow as you write from your intuitive heart. First thoughts and anything that comes…What are those ‘somethings’ I love?
  12. take it further and add drawings, paint and whatever media you love and see where the love intention takes you.
  13. Flip through a magazine and cut out images that show things you love and write around them
  14. Make a love vision board to attract more of the things you love into your life.


Heart space yesWhen I lean into the things I love and do more of them, there is a greater sense of calm, ease and flow in my world. I wonder what you love and what you will choose to explore in February. Sometimes we don’t know where to start so I have included a list of possibilities. A great place to begin is to claim what we love and create our own list of things I love. The Circle Art Challenge for February is ‘Something I love’  and the idea is that you create art but that is only one of the things I love.


What if you look at the theme of ‘Something I Love” and extend it to all the areas in your life that light you up. This challenge prompt may lead to new art inspirations but it may be that what you need most is the self-care to be in spaces and with people you love. is art but I also love day trips to the countryside with my husband and long walks in nature. Perhaps it will be an art date or a walk in nature or reading a book. It really doesn’t matter what it is…as long as it lights you up from the inside out. Sometimes it is as simple as enjoying the sunshine on your face and being in the moment.

February is about exploring your ‘Something I Love’ …I wonder what that something is in your world?

I would love to hear what you ‘Something I Love’ is. Comment below and share with anyone who would find joy in creatively exploring their own connection to love.

Love and Blessings,



Find your bliss

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