As my friends pointed out, my work has a strong feminine energy. I know this is stating the obvious but as we shared a plesant evening together for Roy’s birthday celebrations  and as we discussed horoscopes I connected the dots. Years ago a friend named Anne did my chart and the one thing I remember is that I had a lot of Venus in my chart. 5 I think. Okay I know there are a lot of skeptics but my reference point is my husband Keith. He is a twin and had his chart done years ago and was surprised to learn how different they were. Half an hour can make a lot of difference, it is the generic day of birth that is often used in newspapers and magazines that creates general used readings that in the end make little sense..

Well life continues and after the cathartic clearing I started to create. I love that I have so many works waiting in the wings for completion. Feeling so much better now that I have cleared.

Free spirit- an original mixed media artwork by Cherule Bannon©

Free spirit- an original mixed media artwork by Cherule Bannon©

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