

Companion There is a space of recognition, as we discover the warmth of those connected spaces. The understanding that we have a companion to explore our world with. This girl recognises her soul companion as bear and girl share a moment of being in the joy of that...
Small Blessings

Small Blessings

Small Blessings This cute little whimsical owl is exploring the small details in her world while the flowers and butterflies surround her. It’s moments like these when we realise how precious these spaces are in our busy worlds. The world will be waiting for you...
Gathering Spaces

Gathering Spaces

Gathering Spaces There is no plan here but a trusting of this soul story of connection and trust. It is a moment in time in the treetops that is full of energy and peace. These little owls in their treetop gathering and remind us of the beauty and connection of nature...