Cheryle 9 hours ago

Why Blog…blogging 101
Who am I?

Blogging 101

I decided to do the blogging 101 course to develop my blog and so this is my first assignment. I have to introduce myself and say why I am blogging.

I am a mixed media artist, SoulCollage® facilitator, art and EAL teacher who is balancing my work and creative life. My blog focuses on the art side of my working life and offered a platform to express what I was doing and where I was going on my art journey in a powerful and different way.

Initially I started blogging as I wanted to build my art business online and wordpress offered a good website. As I developed my site I realised that the blogging element opened up my world to lots of like minded people. I have found that blogging for me is a powerful way to record my journey and to discover other people and their passions as I explore my own.

I aim to post at least once a week and have been fairly consistent since I started. As I continue this blog into the new year, I hope to build a stronger blog and learn how to strengthen my connection with the blogging community. Yes, I love it when people like my page, and it is great to get feedback. When people comment on a post as it builds a stronger sense of connection. I am an emotional creative soul who loves the links and possibilities of this on line world.

I guess the question is…do you blog…

……if so, why do you blog?

Happy blogging in 2015…see you on another page…

#assignments-2, #blogging-101, #cheryle-bannon


Blogging 101 Why am I here?
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Hallo 🙂
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Hello All, It’s great to…
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