My adventure…story pieces
Okay…I know this hand thing is an excuse to procrastinate posting so sorry it’s been so long.
I’ve been balancing all the things happening in my life …or trying to as that trip really was the opposite of balance. Thought I would tell this story with lots of pictures. You know I love stories and pictures.
Balancing life: RAW Next Showcase
it started with shopping for last minute materials that I needed for my RAW Next Showcase. It was the 23rd of August and I spent it in emergency due to what my husband lovingly calls my shopping accident. I decided to do the Showcase on the 24th of August anyway so surgery waited until the weekend. My healing would continue as I let my art adventure feed my soul rather than let go of a dreamed of adventure. What an amazing night to share with so many talented Melbourne artists. Of course I couldn’t have achieved this without Keith’s support as he did all the transport and carrying for me.
A broken wrist presented me with lots of challenges if I wanted to achieve all the things I had planned. I chose to say ‘YES’ to everything that I had been looking forward to and allow life to support my healing along the way.
Patient- Surgery and Patience
Know my wrist has pins and a plate and is healing…I just need to be patient. Of course I needed to draw on the caste and let my owls guide my path.
Finding Light: Green Cape
Then was a 4 day getaway with friends to Green Cape Lighthouse in NSW. An amazing space to feed the soul and basque in the beauty of nature. A perfect interlude before my next big event. Nature, like art, has a way of healing us and creating that sense of mindfulness.
Personal stories art – text connections
I presented a workshop presentation for the ALEA/ACMI 2017 literacy conference.This was an Art and English workshop about creating and stepping into the art piece to discover your personal stories and write from this space. The idea of art as the space that connected us to our soul stories is really central to who I am and what I share so this was an exciting opportunity to clarify my big ideas around connection, story and intuitive art. The intuitive story telling processes is a space of discovery and connection.
Two big events done one handed and proud of myself for not allowing a broken wrist stop me. I learnt to navigate life with the temporary inconvenience of one hand.

Imagine your story…Art Inside-Out
Back in the studio
A weekend to catch my breath as I finally find my way back to my studio. Today I started playing playing on a larger scale but that’s another post for another day. I will end by sharing an Art Inside-Out painting which is one of the techniques I shared in the ALEA-ACMI 2017 workshop presentation. The ‘I am’ poem is a way to step into art and discover your personal stories. This is a way I explore all the pieces of me that bring the art story to life. A lovely process to explore.
More on art and stories
Art is Change about the stories we hold.
Story Connections; Discover more about the Art Inside-Out process to connect with your inner stories through art..