Big picture girl
I am such a big picture girl. Who was I kidding…thinking that I could make a little PDF giveaway of some of my intuitive art techniques. Great idea but guess what happened! As I was working on the PDF I started to realize that I needed extra information to really make this work. At this stage I have about 12 chapters so I think that means it’s an ebook. So I have another project. I think it changed from a PDFs in the moment I decided to develop one of my pallet paintings into the PDF’s front cover. I’m not sure where my name goes on the cover but I like the feel of this cover which is full of spontaineous play. I am excited that it fills me with possibilities. The reality is that I have a lot of work in front of me but it will be exciting and playful to add so many of the images that are emerging and to really hone down the techniques into a sharable for. My EAL and art teaching expertise means that I am very good at simplifying so hopefully this will make this a really accessible workshop in an ebook format. I also want to add some lovely hand drawn bits throughout so this will be evolving and I will share along my journey.
Today as I played with the chapter lists I got inspired and wrote a meditation. For me the need to create a space for art is important as art is such a spiritual process. I developed a guided meditation to send the inner critic on a holiday and welcome in the inner child to play. So the challenge in this is that I now need to create an audio. Could be fun but of course it is another learning curve. It is a good thing that artists are so adept at learning. So my new idea is to share the meditation first and hopefully get some feedback from my tribe. I will share sections of chapters in the book as it progresses. I do know this is big but it is also another one of those exciting adventures.