As I explore the layers my work is shifting. This is my final piece for the Quadrant Gallery exhibition ‘Summer  11.  Now to focus on the works for the Burnley Harbour weekend show on the first weekend in December.

She has surrendered to the inevitability of change.

She has surrendered to the inevitability of change.

And the time comes when the world
That you were born into
Becomes too small and it is time
To surrender to the inevitability of change

Stepping out of the enclosing shadows,
Moving beyond known parameters,
To own the voice that calls in the night,
Entering the firmament of creation.

In the night garden you see glimpses,
The way reveals itself beyond the veil of time,
Unravelling layers of understanding,
Hidden deep within the soul’s cauldron.

Life begins anew gracefully flowing forward,
The things that seemed insurmountable,
Fade into the distance noise of the past,
Flowers grow and the path invites adventure.

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