Blog relationships
I admit that I have not been consistent on my blog of late and need to change that.I’m slowly working out my way forward and have decided that I needed a Facebook group. I need to connect and here what you want as I develop my business and continue my big intuitive art adventure. Yes blogs are wonderful and I absolutely love my blog but I need conversations.
The Circus
I’ve been chasing those monkeys in other people’s circuses for way too long and it is definitely time to be that arty intuitive spiritual famine woman who is all of me. I don’t want to perform for anyone else anymore. When I find myself getting stuck in the politics at work, I remember a favorite saying
Not my circus! Not my monkeys,
These are words to live by and they help me remember who I really am and that it’s time to stop the performing monkey mode and shift my perspective. I’m ready for this; I keep reminding myself. No more politics and demands that take me away from me, It’s time to be the one making the decisions and waking up to that deep soul desire…you know that thing that comes up and you say…one day…
Idea overload
So many ideas are jumping around as I know I have my own monkeys but I’m beginning to get my ideas down to a manageable size. I’m a big picture girl and always have been. The details call me back but it is what I want this looks like to me and it is HUGE. Okay I don’t do small but I am good at painted details so I’m learning by taking action. I finally finished another freebie so this weeks challenge is to put in the sign up form for this. Still learning and know that I’ve still got a long way to go but I’ve learnt so ugh already.
I would love you to join my private Facebook group @Wild Soul Creativity Circle. Share with us as I start new conversations. Of course a conversation needs a reply so the more the merrier. It is all bout finding joy isn’t it and who doesn’t like a good conversation especially in. Circle of women.
Today was my start up for a new conversation about creating ‘pockets of time’ in the noise of our day where we can create soul space and set play dates and set our inner artist free.Every week I will add different suggestions and invite you to share your intuitive art play dates so we can all grow together. Sound like fun? I will see how it goes but the invite is sent as an opportunity and a challenge to find your own room to breathe as you make space for connection art and play and find your balance.
So hopefully we’ll chat in the Facebook circle but in the mean time do sign up for the free art and my newsletter Wild Soul Creativity Circle newsletter so we can keep in touch
Enjoy the calm of the evening and the beauty of a full moon ? which is always a symbol of possibilities for me…Full and ready to give birth to whatever comes next.