Orange and peach bouquet

Orange and peach bouquet

Orange and peach bouquet This beautiful, bright bunch of flowers reminds us of a spring day. There bright colors and layered details invite joy. Flowers have a lovely calming energy that brings us back to the moment. An original A4 acrylic painting of water color...
Bush Flowers

Bush Flowers

Bush Flowers The rustic reds, yellows and greens of Australian bush flowers inspire us with their bold shapes and colors. This playful intuitive painting is a close up study painted in acrylic paint on watercolor paper. . Original artwork by Cheryle Bannon© Acrylic on...
Spring blooms

Spring blooms

Spring blooms This joyful bunch of flowers with its vibrant pinks and reds welcomes spring and possibilities. Layers of color give depth and vibrancy to the image. Original work by Cheryle Bannon Acrylic on water color paper Size: 21 x 30 cm Price: $250 Buy Now This...