Night Garden

Night Garden

Night Garden Wolf stands poised, waiting, and listening into the night. This untamed space in this wild garden where the moon is full of potential and invites you into the wild spaces. Adventure awaits with the promise of something new. This space of opening up to the...


Together This owl family knows what it means to be together. That feeling of belonging that is the connection of sharing our world with those special souls who share our journey. Together is the space that feels like home so we know we are safe, loved as we share our...
The Moment

The Moment

The Moment Watching the world and her stories unfolding, this little owl is caught in the moment. Looking closely at the details unfolding, she listens with an open heart as she questions, wonders and discovers the next steps into brave imperfect action. The Moment is...
Curious Friends

Curious Friends

Curious Friends Friends gather and ask the silliest questions that warm the heart. They make me laugh and often I’m surprised by the joy of unexpected stories. Smiling, I move forward, as curiosity grows. Those special connections are the ones that fill my life...