Here I am in my studio exploring the art that has waited for me to complete. There is so much to choose from but revisiting ideas has a beauty and flow to it. I love exploring animal guides and the owl and wolf have been my spirit guides for as long as I can remember.
This is about the adventure and what am discoverung along the way. Each art piece has something new to teach me and I keep exploring, curious as to where the path will lead. I will keep exploring and discovering every step of the way.
I am feeling the patterns of change as I let go of thetine sent in classrooms teaching, growing and learning. I am tapping into a new world of learning as an artist. I will always treasure my tin ags aseondary teacher and how much I have gen along the way. As an art teacher inverted dream that I would end up teaching English and working with small groups of students from areas of crisis throughout the world. These students have taught me so much and shaped my view of how lucky we are in Australia and how we are all the same. We hold the same dreams as them as we learn and grow together. I am so much richer and so much more alive for knowing these students. I am so grateful that I had the priveledge of teaching them and in turn having my world expand..
Now I am ready to step into my own world and take the next step on my journey. My teaching experience has equiped me with so many skills that naturally support my art career. When I went through art school, an English pass was not a prerequisite. The world and how we share and toether has changed so much in this global village. We share across continents and casually like an art piece from the other side of the world. I failed VCE English yet ended up trained as a TESOL teacher. I have Alysha believed in finding the vpback doors and alternative pathways. I guess ‘no’ was not a word I really paid much attention to. Somehow I knew what I wanted and did it anyway.
Im really not sure if it was because I was stubborn…persistent is probably a nicer way of putting it…or because I had an unshakable belief in my inner compass and had a way of doing it anyway. I know my High School Teacers would not believe my chi eve ends. As I launch into my new space, I keep reminding myself that I’ve done the impossible before so this art career is no different. I guess at my age it just feels a little scary to leap and ‘trust that the net will appear.’
Below are some of the pieces that are evolving with me. It is scary at pt first to trust and change something that is cimplete…the what if I wreck it questions start to flow…but what if it becomes something new. So I do it anyway and I guess that has been my life pattern. Do it even when tall the outside reasoning says no… so I listen to the heart whispers of my intuition and go on an adventure. See where it leads as it is all about the process of getting to the next step along the path of understanding.. The first step in rpthe changes is scary but after the first few brush strokes I am committed to the change and so I continue as the image evolves.
The story of these art pieces is me and I am them and I know as I change the art pieces I am manifesting my own changes. I feel the joy as the colours start to pop and I grow into the adventure that the art pieces are taking me on. It is a reminder that nothing is ever really finished but keeps evolving and growing as you do and to keep stepping into the new spaces and ideas that are evolving.
That blind trust has always been the whispering of my intuition and guided after all. It is a sense of knowing that I am more than enough to achieve the dreams I imagine, so I continue to boldly step into new spaces that shape me in new ways. I will keep making heart felt intentions and allowing my intuition to guide my path. Most importantly, I am learning to celebrate my growth and successes along the way.
I do hope you will share some of this adventure with me. I cannot see past the headlights but slowly I am forming an image omit path forward.
Love and blessings,