Joy of Completion

I am back in the studio. The joy of completion. “Follow your bliss” is my guiding principle this year. This was created with thoughts of my gorgeous niece Abi as she turns 21 and dances into the possibilities of her world. The joy of following your dreams and allowing possibilities to flow….keep on dancing to your own music and life will gift you with the joy of your own potential…just imagine.

Stories to share

There are so many stories in each of these pieces and so many possible connections as we each step into a new story every day. I love the idea that art is a story that you can step into as you connect with the parts of yourself that resonate.

I have just set up my solo exhibition ‘Breathe’ at Space2b Artspace that will run from the 4th September until the 29th September 2018 and the launch is on Saturday 8th. I feel a sense of completion combined with a sense of knowing that this is the first step and I need to keep dancing into all those spaces of sharing  stories.

Breathe Space2b

A breathing space to connect as you step into those guided places.

Now is blog time and I realized that I hadn’t been consistently putting in categories so some posts haven’t shown. I’m learning and every step is a new part of the dance of my artist evolving. Finding this post waiting for completion and sharing is a lovely reminder that this is a dance and it is about finding the flow of our own dance. Each move impacts the previous. There are no straight lines but that flowing movement and grace that flows forward through each new awareness.

Im planning my next sharing space as I organise to exhibit flowers at the St Kilda Primary School Art show. A lovely connection as it is right across the road from Space2b.


Have you found the rhythm of your own dance as new movement flows into the next or are you hesitating. Sometimes this feels a bit ‘Dory’ …just keep swimming…dancing. It is that ability to trust yourself enough to know that each step grows into the dance that was forming in your heart all along…if you keep moving towards it and pay attention to that inner knowing. There is never one perfect action but a series of small movements that build to create something beautiful

My wish for you is that you find that flow of the dance as you begin to pay attention to your heart whispers and that inner wise self that will always guide you to the next best step. And when you do miss a step…that you trust that you will find your way back to the flow of the dance and perhaps discover new along the way.


Every day I breathe into my heart and listen for the next best step so I can flow into the new parts of this dance that are forming. It is an evolving dance wihich is a bit hippie I guess…it flows and weaves in and out of all the spaces that appear. Interruptions become opportunities for new directions and open up to new moves.

I wonder what story connections you are stepping into as you look at this dance of allowing? What is your blue butterfly 🦋 that calls to your heart? Every time I look at a piece after not seeing it for awhile, I see it in new ways. Each time it tells a new story. I just realized the repeated story of the blue butterfly as a connection to following my heart in a number of pieces. Blue becomes a symbol of freedom like the sky or the ocean. I imagine stepping into the art piece and being the butterfly as I explore how it feels and moves within the space. How it flutters within her hands and gently moves with her rhythm. Each time I will find a new story that I didn’t see before and make new connections. These are personal story connections.

Finding Art Story

A few pondering that help you find parts of your story in any art piece.

  • What do you notice when you first look at the art piece?
  • Imagine you are that part of the painting
  • what does it feel like?
  • If it could speak, what would it say? I am…..



I  Dancing…allowing

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