A long day at school and then a meeting in the city is made into something more because of the magic happening in Federation Square. Fed’ square in Melbourne was alive tonight. I came out of my meeting to see black tepees with people lined up for a sound light experience. Weird with lots of antennas, multiple radio type bits playing and a spotlighted terrarium with succulents in it. Awful space and weird concept. I think the artist wanted us to feel the obserdity of the contrast. There was an alien-like three legged structure with a ball at the top with green  a light show inside. The alien ness of the shape matched the angles of the buildings at fed square. Then their was a group playing with a camp fire and St. Paul’s cathedral in the background. Their were blue and purple lights on the trees. It did feel like walking through a dream. So many stipulations i just realised that I didn’t even look to see what was on the giant screen. I love being in spaces like this…the happinchance of being in the activity and energy of the unexpected. The photos were just on my iPad so not great quality…but I do love my iPad as it makes it easy to capture these moments.

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