A selection of things I want to take...

A selection of things I want to take…

One very full art material make up case etc...

One very full art material make up case etc…

So next week this time I will be in beautiful warm Darwin at a VATE/ALEA conference learning more about literacy…my other passion….but always there is art. Last year I went to Asia for 7 weeks and worked out a great way to be art ready. I took a couple of  A5 sketchbooks and I re-organised my box of inktense blocks to fit 18. Smaller size. Inktense are permanent once dry so better for me than watercolours. I used these to create backgrounds in the evening and drew images that wanted to become along the way. This worked well but this time I am travelling within Australia for a week so I will take an A4and an A5 journal. Having learnt from previous experience I have decided to create lots of backgrounds now. I have done this by using the sketchbooks as my pallets and often linking colours. This serves to broaden your colour choices and allows for creative surprises which I love. The pieces I did in Asia have at times been collaged into later works once I arrived home.

My material list looks like this:

  • A4 and A5 sketchbook
  • Several back ink pens
  • pacer grey lead pencils and a range of normal grey leads,
  • cutting knife, sharpener and eraser pencil
  • Tube of white paint and tube of gel medium
  • inktense blocks and several paint brushes.
  • Talcum powder

This supply list takes up surprisingly little room but creates lots of possibilities.

the talcum powder is to sprinkle on the pages because if the paint gets too thick, the pages stick together unless you use something like talcum powder as a resist.

I am not a scenery artist and I paint and create from my imagination so this is not about painting Darwin but creating where ever I am.


Okay…I have added to the list and definitely in play and avoid packing mode so I needed one of my original canvas bags so that was the next step. I made a second bag for my sister. I learnt that if you wait for a day the tap transfer paper does not work as well. The nice thing was it inspired me to paint back into the image…extend it and add more detail. Now I think I like the second bag better. So much still learning. I forgot to revers the main image so had to redo writing but remembered the others. So much to learn and the more I learn the more I need to know.

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