Last night I went to my first women’s business network meeting  in the City of Glenn Eira. I haven’t been to anything like this before…except for conferences was a keynote speaker presentation. Yvonne Adele was presenting on ‘Online Marketing, the 5 pillars’. It was great and I learnt a lot and met some amazing creative and innovative thinkers in this crowd of women following their dreams and making a difference in their world. So you can get a taste for what I was learning, have a look at this you tube clip with Adele on small business and digital marketing.

I think the best idea that Adele presented was very simple but helpful for people who are a bit overwhelmed by Facebook negotiation and time management…the feeling of ‘I should be in the studio’ as I get lost in the labyrinth. The idea was to simply schedule 10 minutes 3 times a week (use a planner so the day is set) and do this for a month and see how you go. A s a creative this is great as a time limit helps me stay focused and then move on. Quick and efficient but present.

She had lots of other ideas but the best thing was to actually be talking about my own dreams and passions as they take shape and listening to other peoples stories. I did realise that my ‘elevator pitch’ (your quick summary of what you do) needed work. I keep introducing myself as an artist but now I will introduce myself differently next time:

I am an artist and visual story teller; my art works are stories that invite and inspire dreaming …a reminder and a call to listen and step into your own soul journey.

I am still refining and my mind keeps spinning but this is where I am at this point. So much to do and refine but really enjoying the learning curve.

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