Find your soul path

Balance and small actions

Balance is one of those illusive things that we all strive for but somehow it tends to get lost in the business of our days. Right now I’m reclaiming my balance. I am sitting in the winter sunshine on my studio porch on a gorgeous Melbourne day. It is time to get back into a blogging habit. I have been so focused on creating that I have neglected my tribe and all the wonderful people I share with. As I write up my email course on sacred space I am reminded of my own practice and I take a few slow deep breaths and centre. It doesn’t matter how well you know what you need to do…it is the regular practise that makes the difference. So today is about taking a few small actions to get me back on my soul path. Yes it is easy to get distracted but there are so many small actions that make such a difference. I have a small alter in my studio that helps set my sacred space so today I paid attention to ensuring that everything on the alter was there for a reason. Our sacred spaces definitely need regular tending if we want to stay in balance. Knowing the steps is never enough as it is the intention that brings in the focus needed to stay on our soul path and connect.
Now I have acted in these small ways, I am free to return to my painting…a beautiful angel when is evolving as she holds trust and reminds us to listen. She is exactly why I need right now so I am thankful for her wisdom.
I will update this post when she is complete but I have uploaded what I created this morning. We all need these small reminders as we allow our hopes and wishes to take shape as we listen to our inner wisdom and take a few small steps.


Holding trust

Holding Trust

She has come to remind us that it is time to trust our own inner whispers and allow our bliss.

It is a day later and winter has set in and the sun has gone into hiding but she reminds me to hold on to my truth as I move forward on my soul path.

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