Angel Play

Sunday was a day to revisit angels and older works that wanted to be reworked so my day was taking risks and blocking out large areas and adding others. Lots of nice possibilities arose, along with pink drizzles and a new color love as I used a deep pink and glazed it with qiunacridone nickel azo gold which created a gorgeous rusty orange.

Playful moments- in progress

Cute and playful moments- work in progress

Quirky intuition

I had been creating angels all, day I thought I would call this post Angel Sunday…As I thought this, I turned and glanced at my pallet and the first thing I saw was a cute little owl, looking over her shoulder at me. I trusted the feeling and blocked in this cute little owl holding a ball. It is those moments of trust and acting on the guidance that can create some of the best moments. I know my guides have a sense of humor and smiled as I blocked in the main form with Payne s gray and added some green for the grass and then defined the ball under her claw. This is why I have so many pieces in process. Pallet paintings almost seem to paint themselves. Obviously a long way to go but such a nice surprise. I looked at my pallet and there was this owlet staring back at me.


My intention was to paint angels as I have been working on calendars over the weekend. Completed one owl calendar that m happy with. I need a couple more landscape format owls for the second one but never got there. So I will do more on the angel calendar over the next few days and hopefully get it up on my Redbubble site later this week. I have been painting angels for about 20 years but my intention is to have  current angels to fill the calendar. The pieces below were the ones that called me today and I was inspired to take risks that created some big shifts in the energy of the paintings. The butterfly angel in particular has shifted so much but I do like where she is going. They really do lead you on their own journeys as they evolve through the different stages. Sometimes the original painting is totally gone or at other times some of the base layers show through. She looks like a totally different piece now but everything is wet and it is time to stop and return to the world, It has been fun exploring the possibilities and allowing the changes to happen.

There are so many possibilities taking shape as I explore the process. I never planned to revisit older pieces in this studio session but sometimes you just have to wait until you catch up to the art work so you can begin the next part of the adventure Of course with the intuitive process, everything is fluid, intention and allowing. I have all sorts of ideas for the next session in my studio but I know that as soon as I enter that space I will just trust whatever calls me and that will be exactly where I need to be.


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