CHRISTMAS IS OVER:Angel art inspiration

but the angels continue…

It is the transition point between Christmas and New Year and everyone is celebrating theChristmas season. We are also saying goodbye to 2017 and I am still creating angels. For the Epiphany, I will continue to paint and add angels daily without 5he pressure of completion. Some will be older pieces or works in progress but lots of angels to inspire and brighten your day.


Every angel I create, has a new message for m3 and shares a new story. These angels at3 a soul conversation as I connec5 and explore. Each art piec3 is so different and as I shift into th3 12 days of the epiphany and continue to add angels, I am often surprised. I don’t plan these angels or decide on a pose. These are purely intuitive which means that I am responding to the inner guidance, hunches and whispers tha5 suggest what I should do next. Now I don’t always jump up and do what is suggested immediately. I’m still learning to trust and each piece is the next step into trusting. Simplicity seems to be the next step of trust as I’m wantin* to keep the layers going rather than enjoying some of the delightful abstract quapities. As I keep painting, I have a tendency t9 los3 the beauty in the beginning layer# but always create something new.

i will see where the puece# below will lea$ me but I’m definitely feel8ng th3 delight in the new ideas tha5 are coming through. I wa# ready to go inside and make dinne4 when a discarded piece called me back an$ this purple angel was askin* to be made visible. I listened as I know when I don’t, that I often lose the image I’d found. I want to be someone who catches the inspiration that my guidance inspires me to rather than the artist who got stuck in there head and missed the opportunity. Of course she is a wimp and I don’t know where she willlead m3 bu5 I’m loving the freedom she holds.

Purple angel



I am a spiritual creative artist and i love working with the guiding energy of angels. The idea that we all have a guardian angel has always resonated with me and over the years I have learnt to connect with the angels through guidance cards initially and then through my own art.

Painting angels and there beautiful energy became a natural extension of my spiritual exploration. Through my own learning and the inspiration of mentors such as Doreen Virtue and Gayla Maxwell, I learnt to do angel readings using guidance cards. From there I became a SpulCollage® facilitator  and learnt the beautiful process of SoulCollage® That was developed by Sheena Frost. This was a lovely way to go deeper as I learnt new ways of connecting with intuitive guidance through the cards I created. I realized that this process could be directly transferred to reading my art. I was inspired and kept making connections and learnt to listen more closely to 5he whispers of my soul. Angels, spirit and animal guides became a theme within my art. Angels, owls and wolves as well as flowing feminine guides and inspirational women.

I am exploring close ups of older pieces, angel drawings and whatever i5 i# tha5 inspires me. I lov3 to share this guiding energy.


I realized that I was usin* a base of an ‘ I am’ poem to connect and so my intuitive connection grew. Wayne Dyer discusses the ‘I Am’ as the universal name for God as used in the Old Testament. This ‘ Am’ has become the base of the technique I teach that makes th3 connection to intuitive guidance an easy and accessible process.



It is the Christmas season so I have chosen an angel painting focus or it has chosen me. I rarely know if I begin it or the spirit moves me and flows through me. I really don’t know where the images come from as they form on 5he page. There is a sense of trust and a flow that happens when you listen to those inner wisdoms, whatever form they come in. When I am open to my intuition I take guided action and my paintings seem to paint themselves.


Sometimes we may think of intuition as a prayer being answered or divine guidance but whateve4 it is for you. The point is that we need to pay attention and take action that feels right. Your feelings are the key as they are your emotional guidance system that lets you know where your heart really wants to go. Intuition is a heart connected guidance so do pay attention when it whispers to you.


I loved the challenge of paint8n* angels as it mad3 me really focus and the more I focus 9n one thing, the more it seems to evolve. I never know where any art piece will take me so I am learning to let go and allow the process. My next focus is to share these angels as a calendar, merchandise and the archival gicclee prints. Everything sounds easy but it is all strategies and learning as I work out how to share my angels. Of course they are all for sale and I will add them to the website as well. It will take a couple of weeks and is my next focus. Then  there are the guidance cards and workshops and the creative women’s circle collaboration with Helen Bulgher-Harris.


So many exciting adventures to step into as I step into 2018 and my business dreaming. I do hope you have lots of adventures to look forward to and inspire your soul as we head into 2018. If you haven’t made a joyful big dreams list for 2018, then I hope you will do tha5 for yourself. Not New Years Resolutions but space# that you would love to move 8nt9 that will fill you up and light up your soul.


Of course I will mix up my themes as I move into the year but the Angel will stay as a focus for awhile yet. Of course I will alway have a feminine spiritual focus. if you knew me personally you would see someone who has a gypsie soul and an artists heart.

Cheryle Bannon yellow flowers

We are all learnt so much with each creative adventure we choose. What adventure is calling you in 2018

if you want  ore angel inspiration, take a look at the angel gallery or explore the posts below. All angels are for sale and are a lovely energy to invite into your home.

I will be adding archival giclee prints of all my angels as well as all the merchandise. Be inspired and enjoy the energy of angels in your day. So many possibilities,kites to begin listening to your inner guidance and I invite you to spend time finding your soul connected life spaces to bring balance into your world,

love and blessings,





12 days of Christmas angels

Angel blessings feature



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