The possibilities of polymer clay.

The brooch show is a national exhibition organised by The Contemporary Artists Society. It has been a lovely source of inspiration as I have explored the possibilities of what it means to work on a small scale. I have previously explored shrink plastic and various mixed media techniques. These explorations can be seen at the societies gallery pages for the 2013 and 2014 Brooch show and in my menu pages.

Brooch show invite

Brooch show invite

This year polymer clay has inspired my desire to play sculpturally. I have played with a variety of brooches, wall pieces and a small sculpture over the past few weeks. These four are my final submissions that will travel to two locations as listed below.

“This year The Australian National Brooch Show will again ‘tour’ to two different venues in Melbourne.

• The First venue will be the Toorak – South Yarra Library, (Main foyer & display cases) at 340 Toorak Road, South Yarra (Melway ref: 58 F3 or 2M A6) It will be open to the public from the 2 June – 30 July 2015. Toorak – South Yarra Library Library Hours are: Monday to Thursday: 10am – 8pm Friday: 10am – 6pm Saturday: 10am – 5pm and Sunday: 2pm – 5pm.

• The Second venue will be the Fitzroy Library, (wall display cases) at 128 Moor Street, Fitzroy (Melway ref: 2C B9). The show will be open to the public from the 6 August to the 25 September 2015 The Fitzroy Library Hours are: Monday: 10am – 6pm Tuesday: 1pm – 8pm Wednesday: 1pm – 8pm Thursday: 10am – 6pm Friday: 1pm – 6pm Saturday: 10am – 4pm and Sunday: 2pm – 5pm.

Note: Both Library hours are subject to change

Between the 2 venues, the exhibition will be on public display for aprox 110 days!  “(

Wisdom whispers within.

Wisdom whispers within.

Nestled within...

Nestled within…

Creating our worlds.

Creating our worlds.

What do you hold dear?

What do you hold dear?

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