Rainbow Wolf


Rainbow wolf is about unity and loyalty to the pack. She reminds us that we are all family and as pack we care for each other. She gazes into the future with a clear sense of direction and follows the path without hesitation. She knows her hearts desires as she is highly intuitive and follows her instincts that always lead her home.
Wolf has been one of 2 animal totems that showed up in my dreams that have stayed with me. Wolf has always guided me to safety and walked ahead of me guiding my path. Wolf has a sharp intelligence combined with strength, courage and a sense of freedom.
This original watercolour painting on 300 gsm A3 watercolour paper reminds us to trust our instincts and trust that inner wisdom as we connect to our world.

Rainbow Wolf is an inspirational soul art story that is ready to frame. A unique gift and perfect for a small study nook, reading corner or a child’s bedroom.

An original mixed media painting on  300gsm A3 watercolour paper by Cheryle Bannon©.

Size: 29.7 X 42 cm A3.

Price: $275


This work is also available as a limited edition print.
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This work is also available on a wide variety of merchandise.
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