I’m always surprised by what I see and what I miss in each layer of the creative process. I get so lost in the process that after awhile I stop truly seeing. That’s when I know I have to step out of the image before I can step back in to find my next step forward.


‘How could I have missed that!’, is such a common thought. I often rely on a quick iPad photo to help me step back. It helps me see the artwork with fresh eyes. Then I can move back into the art piece with a renewed confidence and energy.

I’m so far from perfect and I know that it is the stepping back that gives my intuition space to give me the aha moments. The intuitive art process is playful and so I know that there are no mistakes. If I don’t love it then I can  add another layer and trust that the image will take the shape it is meant to. Along the way I will have learnt something new and opened another doorway. This layered process is the big adventure as life is layered and art always mimics life.

Layers quotable


I return to the art piece without a clear vision of the next step but then I trust that the next thing will come. My job is to trust and begin as I accept whatever idea enters my mind and allow it. There is no right way here but a growing ability to trust that the whispered guidance knows better than my head space. When I go there, I start to hear my inner critic and I know that I’ve stopped paying attention to my heart space.

This play between intuition, inspiration and intention that continually bounce off each other and allow the imagery to form from that guided space.



There is also that quirk of having a minimum of 10 choices in play with at any one time. That means that I have lots of pallet paintings and canvases in process so there is always a new adventure waiting. When I am working on one piece and reach a point where I feel stuck , I just shift my focus elsewhere for awhile. If I try and force it and keep going, my head gets in the way and I overthink it.


Being playful in the art process is central to allowing the intuition to flow naturally. These backgrounds are slowly becoming something more as I trust the process and play with the idea of adding more of what I love. You create what you focus on so why would you ever choose to concentrate on what is not working. Find what you love and let it grow across the canvas.


The lovely thing is that as you start layering, ideas will begin to bounce. It is easy to say oh no I can’t do that but usually when you do magic happens as you are opening new doorways,
I’m exploring my layers and working with blocking out areas. I tend to get to a point of YES…it’s working and then I shift to another piece. I have lots of pallet paintings waiting to become something.

I’m always adding to different pieces of paper or a canvas. This girl and bird was a nothing canvas so I stuck on a pallet page but it did nit want to stick properly so I decided to start ripping sections off and enjoying the white areas.

It was when I decided to let go of what I had and kept layering, that an image I loved appeared. Now there were other images but I didn’t love them so I kept going. I’m loving the cut puts and started some scratching back. Really don’t know what’s next. I side tracked and worked on the IAP page and I’ll let them all dry and see where my muse takes me next.


Aren’t we all a little bit quirky. Celebrate your uniqueness.

Then a pallet painting morphed into this quirky little owl and I am really feeling in that timeless flow that art at is most connected. I start to pack up and get ready to go inside when an older work catches my eye. She was finished a long time ago but as I am always reminded, an artwork is never finished until it leaves me. I have seen this painting so many times but today it is different. I realise that she needs wings and so I play a little bit longer. I step back and she is something new again and it works.
I am so grateful for this wonderful weekend Intuitive art space where I can play and find space to breathe and create through the layers. I always feel better when I have immersed myself in paint, play and possibilities.


I do hope you have found time for your win art adventures and opened that door to your soul space a little bit wider. Enjoy all the playful moments and possibilities.

Angel blessing

Another layer added to this angel vlessing

I have a POCKETS OF TIME SUNDAYS in my private Facebook group for those of us who desire to connect that little bit more deeply and go on a creative adventure together. This group is a new adventure for me and I love to see new faces coming in.
. If you are ready for some inspiration, come and join us in our Wild Soul Creativity Circle.
I do believe art longs to be shared and as we view an art work, we make our own soul connections and so the story of the artwork grows. Love to see what your Wild Soul is creating or simply offer some inspiration and starting points.

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