Intuitive art …a processIntuitive art is a process

I create and teach mixed media art through an intuitive painting process. This view of art as a process of discovery and a way of exploring the world through paint, collage and so many possible mark making materials is a joyful space to be in.

I assume if your here, that you are at least curious about what intuitive art is. Perhaps you have started to explore but feel unsure. I hope that by the end of this post you will feel a bit more confident in following your own intuitive guidance as you create your world through exploring your stories through a ntuitive art.

My daughter, Lizzy asked why I hadn’t called my workshop a’mixed media painting workshop. She said that most people would understand mixed media painting better. It was a very good question and I realised that I was assuming that people would understand what intuitive painting was. The fact is that I hadn’t thought of naming it anything else. Words have power and so intuition was the obvious choice as intuition is that wonderful feminine connected energy that we are all born with. It is that instinct and that knowing that we sometimes trust and sometimes ignore. The thing is trusting our intuition is trusting our inner wisdom and self trust can be challenging.

What is intuitive art?

The best place to start seems to be the question ‘what is intuitive art” so her is my definition.

Intuitive art is a process of creating art using an inner awareness that is heart centered and does not rely on analysis or head based questions. It is a way of creating that is about connecting into your emotions and responding to what feels right. Intuition is that image of a child reaching for the red crayon rather than the blue without hesitation. There is no logic in the decision but a space inside that guides you to choose this one instead of that  you trust your inner guidance.

So much has been written about intuition and it’s uncertain origins and why we should listen to it rather than to logic and reason. As a creative soul, I know that intuition is a space of trust that opens doors to my imagination that would never be fiound by reason alone. Steve Jobs called intuition ‘more powerful than intellect” and Einstein said that ‘ the only real valuable thing is intuition’. Unfortunately it is too easy to get so busy that we drown out that intuitive guidance that we all naturally have.

IAP heart symbol play.

Heart spaces and playful places.

Follow your heart

When I am creating an art piece, there are times when I find myself questioning the idea that comes. Then I know my head is taking over and follow the idea anyway. Intuitive art is about trust and letting go of that space of aproach to art and life is a spiritual practice. That means that there is a sense of the divine guidance …whatever form the divine takes in your life. It is the inspiration that seems to flow through you from some divine energy. This divine inspiration is about trust and reminds me of what Kirkagard called the ‘leap of faith’.

Heart space yesThe images that I paint all link back to the idea of the ‘divine feminine’ that is an image of femininity that carries a gentle strength and heart centered confidence. It is that instinctual knowing that you are on the right path and heading to where you are meant to be. There is a flow and ease that is a natural part of who they are. This is that beautiful Goddess energy that is powerful and caring. The imagery is all about that innate connection to feminine wisdom and a trust that we are guided

The idea of intuition

We are all intuitive, whether we are spiritual or not and we all carry the divine feminine within us as both male and female need the two energies to find balance. We have all had those ‘gut reactions’ where we simply know what choice we need to take, even though it makes no logical sense. This intuitive art process is about connecting to something more within you. You may call it your subconscious mind and look at it from a Jungian perspective or choose to understand it from a view of universal consciousness. It really doesn’t matter how you make sense of the inner guidance, the voices and ideas that direct us. The question really is, are you listening?

“Pretty much everyone has experienced a gut feeling — that unconscious reasoning that propels us to do something without telling us why or how. But the nature of intuition has long eluded us, and has inspired centuries’ worth of research and inquiry in the fields of philosophy and psychology.”Carolyn Gregoire

WE ARE ALL ARTISTSCheryle Bannon | Intuitive Artist

Everyone of us is creative and has an inner artist. Some of us are more interested in finding our inner artist than others. The intuitive art process has no rules and is guided by intention. If there are no rules to follow then you simply can’t do it wrong. It seems that one of the biggest stumbling blocks is the fear of beginning.

When working with students, I learnt very early on that the bexpst way to begin is to scribble. A black sharpie in hand and a messy scribble over the canvas and then there is nothing to ruin. We get so hung up on perfection that it has a way of freezing us in fear. Once you have ‘ruined’ the canvas with your scribble then you are free to explore.

Ot seems that most of us have learnt to block ourselves and tell ourselves that we are not enough. Seriously…please stop that. Marianna Williamson said it best I believe…this is one of my favourite quotes.


Dream big and let the world know you mean it.

This is the Ruth of connecting to our inner guidance. We actually know how capable we are but somewhere along the way we believed the lie.Wabi. There re no rules but there are lots of choices along the way and as long as you follow your heart you will find magic waiting.

The mindful focus of developing an intuitive art piece requires some reflection and so the process is always to look for what you love and do more of that. Once you select what you love, the path forward becomes clear and the image takes shape. There is often a bit of messiness in the middle as you learn to get out of your own way but that is when you see more and more of what you love. This looking for what you love is central to the joy of this process and the guided connection of art. This is often referred to as the breathe of inspiration. I believe this us because once we remember to breathe and allow, the inspiration can flow.


The desire to learn art skills is often the thing that sends us out of our heart  and into our head. The truth is that the art skills are learn within e process and not seperate. Learning through a guided exploration is one of the best ways to really understand.

As you layer, you learn about colour mixing, as you write and add collage, you learn about media and the balance and composition. As you “cloud dream’ and look for the image that wants to be developed, you learn about negative and positive space. As you develop the form, you learn about contrast and light source. I could go on but I believe that you may understand now. There are no rules, just guidelines that you learn along the way as you explore your creative process. There is a real freedom to allowing yourself to follow what feels right and from time to time, step back to look at your creation.

Unlike most art styles, there is no plan but there is all the knowledge that you hold within you and all the possible stories you could create. That does not mean that you don’t research or explore what will take your idea further. You choose to follow what you love and what feels right. If drawing something that I am unfamiliar with, I will research it and find a variety of images so I can then continue to explore and develop my art piece. I will keep repeating that there are no rules, but a whole lot of personal choices as you smile and continue to move towards what you love.

Spiral Blessings


I know that defining an idea of an inner knowing voice is an elusive thing. It is something we know without reason which in itself feels like a paradox it we know when something feels right. Abraham’s’ refers to our feelings as our ‘intuitive guidance system’ and encourages us to ‘let our feelings be our guide’. This is one of the most connected ways to understand intuition as we connect with our feelings and follow what feels right.

We are all intuitive as it is that instinct that keeps us safe and points us in the direction we really need to go. When did you last turn left rather than right?
Have you ever wondered why you did something but knew it was exactly why. It is this ability to notice and be aware and awake within our lives that shifts our understanding. This is intuition in action.

“I define intuition as the subtle knowing without ever having any idea why you know it,” Sophy Burnham,  The Art of Intuition,

Intuition is not about being psychic . A psychic reads your future and people go to them for guidance on their world. This is a woo woo alternative approach and is not what intuitive art is about. Intuitive art is allowing yourself to slip into your heart as you let go of expectation, noise and the busy responsibilities of life and shift into a space of mindfulness. Please don’t confuse being intuitive with being psychic as that is not what intuition is about. Intuition is being still enough to hear your inner knowing about what you really want. Sometimes it simply means slowing down.

Intuition is…

When we are in this quiet inner space we are connected to our own wisdom and are open to the whispers of our inner wisdom. Intuition is the pathway that helps us connect to those core values that shape our world from inside spaces so we can make sense of our outer world and be more truly ourselves. It is a soul connection and about our own inner knowledge.

That intuitive voice is always there, whispering and guiding us whether we or listening or not. Our intuition is directing us to our highest good and wants to keep us safe. If we truly want to live our best life then paying attention to those intuitive nudges, the gut reactions or sense of knowing is key. Of course, acting on your intuitive guidance is what will make the real shift from surviving to thriving in your life.

Creative people are highly intuitive as it is the intuitive awareness that helps an artist/ inventor connect with new understandings and different ways of seeing the world. Whatever you are doing for a job, intuition is the space that will open you to new possibilities.


In an article in the Nw York Times in 2012, Ivy Estabrooke is the program manager at the Office of Naval Research explained that their are:

10 things that people in touch with their intuition do differently.

1/ They listen to that inner voice.
2/ They take time for solitude.
3/ They create.
4/ They practice mindfulness.
5/ They observe everything.
6/ They listen to their bodies.
7/ They connect deeply with others.
8/ They pay attention to their dreams.
9/ They enjoy plenty of down time.
10/ They mindfully let go of negative emotions


Intuitive art connections

The point of the post is why I choose to be an intuitive artist as I create and teach an intuitive art process rather than focusing on the mixed media process in my workshops. Perhaps there is less ne’er standing about what he ntuitive art actually is. There seems to be a variety of connected terms such as visionary art or process art but intuition is the space of connection for me and art will always be that connected soul space that feels like home.

10 Reasons Why Intuitive Art.

  1. I am a spiritual artist and believe that art is an inspired p, guided process.
  2. I want to explore the idea of an thing  rather than create a realistic representation.
  3. I love creating layers and abstract elements with a depth of personal symbolic meaning.
  4.  I want art to be an adventure that surprises me as the image comes through me rather than from me.
  5.  The intuitive art I create are soul pieces so I regularly refer to art pieces rather than art works.
  6. I want to inspire and teach people who want to connect more deeply with their own creativity.
  7. I am fascinated with the image of the divine feminist and the traditional place of intuition as a feminine trait.
  8. I believe everyone is an artist and intuitive art is a way to explore art as process rather than focusing on a finished product
  9.  Intuitive  art is an easy way into exploring your inner world and creating art that is unique and joyful
  10. Intuitive art is healing and can nourish your soul as you trust your inner guidance and find your outer balance.

…..and of course it is fun to allow yourself the space to explore your world without the restrictions of rules and expectations. You are free to smile, let go and enjoy the moment.

I hope you are allowing that inner guiding voice to be heard and not drowning it out with the noise of everyday life. Time to meditate can help. Sometimes sitting and drawing quietly is rpthe exact meditation you need to begin to come back to that connection to you and be back in your own story.

love and blessings,



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